Tristan Horx could be described as a new generation of futurists, if he didn’t personally call for the end of the classic generational models. The speaker and author at the Zukunftsinstitut (Future Institute) deals with the topics of societal change, and is researching what will follow the Gen X Y and Z.
His german or english presentations are about the developments in the fields of Mobility, Digitalisation and the old bogey Globalisation. As an Anthropologist, he sees his job as finding the bridge between creativity and economy within macro-societal questions. As the host of the Zukunftsinstitut’s Podcast “Treffpunkt: Zukunft” he speaks to prominent guests about their utopias and our future.
The End of Generations
Child – Grownup – Pensioner: this is how simple our view of generations is. However this old concept is no longer accurate within our current »Zeitgeist«. There are many more intense life chapters that are relevant for all age groups. The youth is growing up under radically changed circumstances than previous generations.
This development has a profound impact on our society, and especially for companies and marketing. What happens after Gen X Y Z? Can we grasp these even current generations with our classic models? And what happens, when a generation grows up entirely digital? This speech highlights the questions and offers answers to the generational complexities that all companies and societies must face in the future.
The assumption, that the globalised world means more and more people will use airplanes in a linear fashion was wrong. The classic concept of the automobile in its current form has a date of expiration. Thanks to the internet and its democratisation of information, mobility has changed drastically and taken on new forms – within the digital and analog world. Platforms like AirBnB and Uber have leveraged entire industries and proven, that fragile, unadaptive mobility entrepreneurs must be ready for a world of change. A polymobile world requires polymobile concepts instead of the old-fashioned ideas of quick cars and “always late” trains.
This speech focuses on the future of mobility and will heighten your senses for its needs and requirements.
From the Global Village to the Global City
Refugees, catastrophes, war, conflict – one third of people associate globalisation with these doomsday phrases. An impression is fostered, that everything is getting constantly worse. But let us leave hysteria out of the picture and try a reality check – importantly not a naive one, of course globalisation is full of challenges within the local and global realm. It becomes important to understand these two termini not as dichotomies, but look for a synthesis of the two.
This speech highlights the local and the global, their interactions and its only possible final form: »GloCalisation« – the defining trend of a evermore connected world.